About us

Intrinsic motivation – Awareness – Sustainability

What does the SENSA development affect?

Our development programs are focused on the diagnosis. We focus on key points and centers of influence, which is why our projects have a complex impact.

Commitment, internal motivation, awareness 91%
Strategy implementation, culture shaping 82%
Breaking out of routine – mindset, communication 98%
Creative, problem-solving thinking 79%

Intrinsic motivation – Awareness – Sustainability

We are building a culture!
… but how?

Our development principles

Through individual experiences and satisfaction to business and organizational success!

I also had a fantastic time in Module II!
I can really use everything!

Fanuc – leadership training

Thank you for having me here! It was not pushy and that is important for me, but it brought out the best in me.

PNH – leadership training

I have to change a lot of things in me. If I don’t do the training, I might not find out about the mistakes in time. I had a great time!

Autonet – service communication

The practical part was not just scratching the surface!
It was excellent and inspiring!

Denso – manager development

For me, the most useful knowledge is about generations. What to work on, what to transform.
I found the training very useful, it would be good to continue!

TDK – interview techniques workshop

A general „enlightenment” about how monolithic our thinking is.
I felt recharged, inspired, fantastic!

Keskeny Nyomda  – sales training

I had a good time and I’m glad that the team was open to the change and to new insights again today. It was worth taking the day.


94 %

Average satisfaction of more than 5000 training days

SENSA in numbers

2004. year of foundation
2015. international foundation

>94% participant satisfaction
>80% application of what they learned

The average experience
of our consultants is 19 years

>100% return on development
>15% business profit growth

We also work in award-winning construction.

20 years of experience, more than 1000 satisfied participants

Our featured consultants

We focus primarily on people and, if necessary, with their help, we shape systems to achieve our goals.

Ferenc Mako

senior trainer, coach,
organizational development engineer

Christina Miklos

key account manager, trainer,

The primary and basic criterion in development programs is to build trust.
For this, professional knowledge, credibility and equally important is the „chemistry” and the matching of the team and the trainer’s character.

Piroska Nagy

senior organizational developer,
trainer, coach

Silvia Beres

customer relationship manager, consultant, coach

Our personal mission is to contribute to the creation of a happy and effective company culture.

Brigitta Maksai

senior organizational developer,
trainer, coach

Leila Al-Absi

senior trainer, work and
organizational psychologist

Andor Tímár

senior trainer, coach,
organizational developer

Maria Nagy

senior organizational developer,
trainer, coach, economist

Zoltan Jakab

senior consultant,
coach, trainer

“A great coach is not someone who can make a colleague do something.
A great coach makes a colleague want to do that thing.”
Monty Roberts

Gabor Kortvelyessy

senior organizational developer,
trainer, coach

In order to provide a credible, suitable trainer for every organization, every culture, and most personalities , we have several trainers with different personalities qualified to deliver each of our trainings.

Izabel Orban

senior trainer, coach

Mate Fellegi

senior trainer, consultant, coach

First of all, I would like to confirm in writing that we have again received VALUE from you professionally ♥

Gyöngyi Kántor, Sága Foods, Group HR Director

It was a truly uplifting feeling to celebrate with you at this high quality event. I had a great time and it was an honour to be part of it. I was enriched with great speakers, themes, connections and challenges :)

Angéla Ulrich, 4iG, Team Lead Development Specialist, Regional HR Manager

It felt good to reconnect a little bit. Thank you for the invitation, it was very refreshing and inspiring for me. I took home with me from all the presentations and your games continue to be brilliant!

Congratulations on the event and I wish you similar success in the decades to come!

Hajnalka Kriszt, Leaseplan, HR Manager

Thanks again for the invitation! It was a very well put together programme, which gave me a lot of inspiration on a professional and personal level, and I think it was a really worthy event for a 20th anniversary.

Really everything was useful for me!

Márton Czupek, Bausch Health, Regional HR Manager

Thank you for the invitaion!

It’s an honour to be part of such a great community.

Edit Czétényi-Veres, Laterex, HR Manager

Thank you for the opportunity to attend the birthday event. It was a great and meaningful program, very well organized!

Dr. habil. Helga Dorner
Institute Director, Associate Professor

ELTE PPK Institute of Research on Adult Education and Knowledge Management

Thank you again for the invitation, I am glad to have been part of this high quality event.

Szilvia Turbucz, Mediso, HR BP

Thanks for the invitation, you have created a great event! :)

It was a very good opportunity to connect and László Buda’s presentation was memorable!

Szilárd Szendrődy, pharma, sales manager

Thank you for having me there.

I really enjoyed all the activities: panel discussions, presentations, simulation games.

Congratulations again for a very high quality event.

Ágnes Sulya, Ghibili, Head of Quality Management Department

We thank you for this opportunity! You have put together a great programme, the day flew by and we left with very useful information. The simulation was a great way to bring everyone together, we would recommend it to everyone. After a good lunch you really managed to shake up the team :)

Cintia Heinbach, Eclipse, HR generalist

Thank you very much for the opportunity to participate.

I really enjoyed it!

Congratulations, it was an interesting and nice event.

Rita Fülöp, Sanofi, Sales Manager

Thank you very much for the invitation and the friendly atmosphere. I spent a quality time with you and I am also glad to have had a few words with both you and Feri.

Thank you for the gifts!

Károly Bartalis, Lucart, Managing Director

I liked this celebration (too), you organized it very well and it was rich and substantive (not only the chocolate cake ;) )

Tamás Szíj, Planning & Trading, Business Unit Manager

Thank you very much for the invitation and congratulations on 20 years!

I hope you will celebrate 20 years from now with the same enthusiasm!

Péter Jánosi, Ringier, Commercial Director

Thank you for the quality programme, it was very useful, I really enjoyed it!

László Pál, Thyssenkrupp-materials, HR Manager

Thank you very much for the invitation, it was a great experience!

Róbert Rajna

Thank you very much again for allowing me to be part of your birthday event last week.

The programme and the team were so well put together, hats off to you for the concept and organisation. Both the panel discussion in the morning, László Buda, Annamária Kádár and the team challenge touched me, I enjoyed it and felt it spoke to me. Although I hadn’t planned to stay until the very end, I rearranged everything in the meantime to stay and I don’t regret it, so a big thank you and congratulations to you!

I will definitely keep my eyes open for my new position and if there is a need and opportunity for development (sales, Leadership) I will think of you.

Zsuzsanna Rajna, IQVIA, Associate Director Offering @ Supplier Services

20 years


We thank you to have celebrated with you!