20 years of experience, more than 1000 satisfied participants

Intrinsic motivation – Awareness – Sustainability

Our results

People, individuals, are at the heart of our development. Individual well-being, mental health, role awareness and the motivation and attitude based on these.

If these are fulfilled, or have been put in order through development, we can move on to the skills development required for the strategy.

Some examples of what we have achieved:

  • FMCG – sales
    4% increase in market share, 124% increase in applied knowledge levels – the team has moved out of the rutin
  • Financial sector – telesales
    The aim is to increase the number of contracts signed – 5 times more contracts signed, 400% return on investment
  • Energy sector – sales – organisational culture
    28% increase in management efficiency, 47% increase in sales efficiency the emergence of a coherent culture
  • Pharmaceutical industry – training catalogue programme
    96 % average participant satisfaction over a development involving 48 % of the total staff of the organisation


From organization to individuals

We make the current level of efficiency visible and monitor progress and its impact.


Customized implementation

We design a targeted development process based on your specific needs or the results of the diagnosis.


Application support

The biggest challenge is „doing it differently”. We support the application of what you have learned intensively, even on the job.

Our Portfolio

As with 20 years of development experience, we have implemented development programmes in a wide range of topics and we are constantly evolving ourselves, our portfolio is very broad.
Our most common development projects are in the following areas.

Our Portfolio

Our most common development projects are in the following areas.

94 %

Average satisfaction of more than 5000 training days

I also had a fantastic time in Module II!
I can really use everything!

Fanuc – leadership training

Thank you for having me here! It was not pushy and that is important for me, but it brought out the best in me.

PNH – leadership training

I have to change a lot of things in me. If I don’t do the training, I might not find out about the mistakes in time. I had a great time!

Autonet – service communication

The practical part was not just scratching the surface!
It was excellent and inspiring!

Denso – manager development

For me, the most useful knowledge is about generations. What to work on, what to transform.
I found the training very useful, it would be good to continue!

TDK – interview techniques workshop

A general „enlightenment” about how monolithic our thinking is.
I felt recharged, inspired, fantastic!

Keskeny Nyomda  – sales training

I had a good time and I’m glad that the team was open to the change and to new insights again today. It was worth taking the day.


Our Customers

We develop all functional areas in many industries.
We design tailor-made development programmes to meet changing, even specific business requirements.

Our network of international consultancy partners

There is a continuous knowledge sharing within our consultancy community, so the knowledge of Sensa’s local consultants is constantly growing.

By working with Gyroscope International members, we are able to implement our international projects according to a common concept and local conditions.

Our network of international consultancy partners

There is a continuous knowledge sharing within our consultancy community, so the knowledge of Sensa’s local consultants is constantly growing.

By working with Gyroscope International members, we are able to implement our international projects according to a common concept and local conditions.






Több mint 10 éve együtt dolgozunk 18 fős csapatunk legtöbb tagjával.
Projekt team-ekbe rendeződve tudunk igazán rugalmasak és hatékonyak lenni.

We have been working with most of our team of 18 for more than 10 years. Working in project teams, we can be really flexible and efficient.

We have been working with most of our team of 18 for more than 10 years.
Working in project teams, we can be really flexible and efficient.